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I have the desire to write. Or, maybe, it’s a desire I had – long ago. Story ideas flourished in my mind. I had drawn pictures, created playlists of inspirational music, and made lists of names and places of the worlds I could see. Now, my mind is a wasteland. The only stories that reside are the stories I’ve read by other authors, visuals constructed by other creators. I write this on September 22, 2023 – eve of the Autumn equinox. The fall has always been a favorite season of mine, especially once the weather cools and the clouds sit low and grey. For the past 10 years I’ve put off telling my stories.

I’ve read and reviewed a lot of books. Lately, my reviews and other content have been going unnoticed, my opinions now undesirable to the masses I imagine. Could this be my opportunity to stop reading so much and start writing? Am I to use my limited time, to put ink on the paper, or type digital letters on the screen? Maybe it is… maybe I should make it so. The desire to write has forced its way back into my mind and heart.

It’s now July 12, 2024. Nothing has changed. The desire to write remains but feels stronger now. I believe the time is ripe to put my ideas into action and produce one of the many – or all of the stories locked in my mind.

The desire to write can no longer be suppressed. I’ve created this website to be an encouragement, to boost my confidence in writing. I believe it will be wise to slow down on reading, and speed up the writing. I plan to use this website for a number of things in time, but for now, a written word of my journey to storytelling. I’m not expecting a following, I know the world is full of writers that have a massive following. The only social media I’ll be using regularly as “an author” is X. 

Wish me luck. God bless.